sucking pest in cotton

Sucking pests pose a significant threat to cotton crops, causing damage through feeding on plant sap and transmitting diseases. Here’s a brief overview of some common sucking pests in cotton, their damage, associated diseases, and management strategies:

  1. Thrips (Thysanoptera):
  • Damage: Thrips feed on young leaves and buds, causing stippling, silvering, and distortion of plant tissues.
  • Diseases: Thrips can transmit tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV).
  • Management: Bio R 303 (biological control), Daman 47 (chemical insecticide), and cultural practices such as early planting can help control thrips.
  1. Cotton Mites (Tetranychidae):
  • Damage: Mites suck cell contents, leading to stippling, yellowing, and necrosis of leaves.
  • Diseases: Mites themselves do not transmit diseases, but their feeding weakens plants.
  • Management: Daman Cotto 12 (chemical miticide), predatory mites (biological control), and maintaining proper humidity levels.
  1. Cotton Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci):
  • Damage: Whiteflies cause yellowing, leaf curling, and reduce photosynthesis by feeding on plant sap.
  • Diseases: Whiteflies can transmit cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV).
  • Management: Daman Dhal 6 (chemical insecticide), biological control (e.g., Encarsia formosa), and reflective mulches.
  1. Cotton Aphids (Aphididae):
  • Damage: Aphids feed on sap, causing yellowing, curling, and distortion of leaves.
  • Diseases: Aphids can transmit cotton mosaic virus (CMV).
  • Management: Insecticidal soaps, neem oil, and Daman 47 (chemical insecticide) can help control aphids.
  1. Cotton Jassids (Empoascini):
  • Damage: Jassids cause stippling, yellowing, and reduced plant growth by feeding on sap.
  • Diseases: Jassids are not known to transmit specific diseases.
  • Management: Daman 47, chemical insecticides, and maintaining beneficial insect populations.
  1. Cotton Bollworms (Helicoverpa armigera):
  • Damage: Bollworms damage cotton bolls, flowers, and leaves by feeding.
  • Diseases: Bollworms can introduce secondary infections through feeding wounds.
  • Management: Chemical insecticides like Daman 47, biological control (e.g., Bacillus thuringiensis), and integrated pest management (IPM) practices.

For managing these pests, it’s essential to follow integrated pest management (IPM) practices, combining biological, cultural, and chemical control methods. Products like Bio R 303, Daman 47, Daman Cotto 12, and Daman Dhal 6 can be purchased from agricultural suppliers like Krishibharat. Always follow recommended application rates and safety guidelines when using pesticides. Regular monitoring and early intervention are crucial for effective pest management in cotton crops.

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