Inquiry Regarding Mahyco Mph 1 Hybrid Pumpkin Seed Price and Delivery to UAE

Aug 26, 2023 03:58 PM 0 Answers General
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Dear Krishibharat,

I trust this email finds you in good health. I am reaching out to inquire about the pricing and delivery details for Mahyco Mph 1 Hybrid Pumpkin Seeds. My intention is to procure approximately 50 kilograms of these seeds.

Could you kindly provide me with the current price per kilogram for the Mahyco Mph 1 Hybrid Pumpkin Seeds? Additionally, I would appreciate any information you can share regarding the delivery options available for shipping to the United Arab Emirates.

Your prompt response would be highly appreciated, as it will assist me in making informed decisions for my purchase. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Looking forward to your reply.

Jason, Marketing Manager at
Akbar Sanaei Vegetable and Fruit Trading LLC.
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